Congratulations to the CPACTC FFA team who competed in the State Floriculture Competition at Penn State last week and earned 2nd PLACE! Chad Pilachowski, Makendria Watkins, Evelyn Snell, Emily Ritchey, and advisor Mrs. Perry! Great job team. #cpactcproud #FFA
about 1 month ago, CPACTC
Last day of CPACTC Middle School Camp! #middleschoolcamp2024
about 1 month ago, CPACTC
CPACTC Middle School Camp kicked off today! Students were busy with program projects. #middleschoolcamp2024
about 1 month ago, CPACTC
Local educators spent the day at CPACTC experiencing curriculum their high students receive. #summeracademy
about 2 months ago, CPACTC
AET Don't forget to check out our @cpactc newsletter! #opportunitieusnlimited
about 2 months ago, CPACTC
The stats are in…from September to now, opportunities for @CPACTC students to participate in cooperative education have been UNLIMTED! Students from 18 CPACTC programs have worked throughout central PA this school year with 94 industry partners. Of those 94 industry partners, 45 were brand new partnerships! Upon graduation, 89 cooperative education students have been given employment offers to continue working with these incredible industry partners. We are so very proud of our student learners and so very grateful for the mentorship provided to them by our industry partners as they help them navigate the world of work! #opportunitiesunlimited #cooped #roble #may2024
about 2 months ago, CPACTC
recap for coop ed 23-24
coop ed recap 23-24
AA&D seniors and Level 3s took a field trip to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.They explored 3 massive floors of art, architecture and sculpture. *Stereotypical "Rocky pose" not pictured. #aad #wolfe #opportunitiesunlimited
about 2 months ago, CPACTC
AAD philedelphia art museum
End of Year Luncheon 2024, recognition for years of service, and honor/roasting of our retirees this year! John Pokrivka and Terri Cook! You will be missed friends! #OpportunitiesUnlimited
about 2 months ago, CPACTC
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
end of year luncheon
#shoutout to our #eveningcustodians @cpactc, always keeping things clean, and never passing up the opportunity to get a laugh! We can only assume that he is trying out a new mop method (picture: Cody McClure) Photo Credit: Jared Comeau, AT Instructor. #opportunitiesunlimited
2 months ago, CPACTC
cody- evening custodial staff
Mrs. . Pugh's Social Studies classes are going out with a bang this year...End if the year poster project, historically impactful events. #opportunitiesunlimited #pugh #may2024 #posterproject
2 months ago, CPACTC
poster project
poster project
poster project
poster project
poster project
#congratulations to our @cpactc Class of 2024 Seniors, and Level 3 Program Completers that participated in last evening's Awards Night Ceremony! #cpactcproud #opportunitiesunlimited Best Wishes in all your future endeavors.
2 months ago, CPACTC
class of 2024
class of 2024
class of 2024
class of 2024
Paper flowers for CPACTC Awards Night 2024, made by #Horticulture students @cpactc. #opportunitiesunlimited #may2024
2 months ago, CPACTC
paper flowers
paper flowers
paper flowers
paper flowers
Celebrations for Leah Kling in #Cosmetology during her pinning ceremony. #congratulations on earning your #coslicense Leah! #cpactcproud #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #franklin #May2024 @cpactc
2 months ago, CPACTC
cos pinning
cos pinning
"On Mondays, We Twin"- in #history w/ Mrs. Miller and Ms. Sheibley, coordinating outfits today to show their #teamwork spirit. #opportunitiesunlimited #sheibley #tmiller #may2024
2 months ago, CPACTC
Celebrations for Nayeli Jones in #Cosmetology during her pinning ceremony. #congratulations on earning your #coslicense Nayeli! #cpactcproud #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #franklin #May2024 @cpactc
2 months ago, CPACTC
cos pinning
cos pinning
Celebrations for Danelly Guzman-Reyes in #Cosmetology during her pinning ceremony. #congratulations on earning your #coslicense Danelly! #cpactcproud #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #franklin #May2024 @cpactc
2 months ago, CPACTC
cos pinning
cos pinning
#thankyou to Terri Heck from the Summit Search and Rescue along with K9 Bloodhound Officer, for visiting #criminaljustice @cpactc. #opportunitiesunlimited #weary #may2024
2 months ago, CPACTC
k9 bloodhound
The skill of #nailart in @cpactc #cosmetology. #opportunitiesunlimited #reed #may2024
2 months ago, CPACTC
nail art
nail art
nail art
nail art
Thank you to the local Police Departments for the Criminal Justice student experience of K9 training. #opportunitiesunlimited #weary #k9trainingexperience #may2024
2 months ago, CPACTC
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
k9 dog training
#shoutout to our @cpactc CJ students for all they've done this year for the school, pictured here on the #safetyday2024 event that they organized and ran, as well as updating evac signage and helping account for safety during fire drill events. #opportunitiesunlimited
2 months ago, CPACTC
safety day cj