Auto Collision Technology
What is Automotive Collision Technology?
The Automotive Collision Technology program is a high-technology course designed to provide training for students interested in learning how to repair damaged vehicles. Students will learn how to make repairs on wrecked vehicles by using the latest techniques and equipment available to professionals in the workforce. The work area features a Chief frame machine, PPG paint system, the latest spray guns on the market, and an Accudraft down draft spray booth with an oven, and students engage in plenty of hands-on activities alongside their classroom time. The right mix of theory and practice allow students to master the techniques of frame repair, MIG welding, painting, dent removal, suspension systems, brakes, and electrical systems and emerge from high school with the tools needed to enter the workforce or continue their studies.
Is it for You?
Students seeking to apply to the Automotive Collision Technology program should enjoy fixing and repairing things, as well as exercising problem solving techniques in order to diagnose the automobiles in their care. Professionals in this field usually work indoors in well-ventilated shops, but these shops are often noisy, dusty, and smell of paint. Additionally, automotive collision technicians may work in cramped, physically uncomfortable positions in order to reach damaged parts of vehicles, and may also receive injuries from sharp metal edges, torches, hot metal, and power tools. Much of their work is strenuous and dirty. Automotive Collision Technologies generally work forty to forty-eight hours a week, with occasional overtime required. Students should also possess the following skills in order to facilitate success in the program:
Good eye-hand coordination
No allergy or respiratory difficulties in medical history.
Good vision (either naturally or with correction).
The ability to distinguish colors.
Toleration of noise and fumes.
Program Objectives
| Level 1 Certifications: I-CAR, SP/2
Level 2 Certifications: I-CAR, SP/2
Internship (3-day Minimum) | Level 3 Certifications: I-CAR, SP/2, AC, Inspection, Emissions, First Aid, CPR
What's Next?
Potential Career Pathways
* Salaries listed are PA state averages taken from and are accurate as of 2020.
Automotive Body and Related Repairers ($47,970)
Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers ($36,990)
Painters (Transportation Equipment) ($43,360)
Auto Service Technicians & Mechanics ($35,870)
Insurance Adjusters, Examiners & Investigators ($66,790)
Insurance Appraisers ($63,270)
...and many more
Post-Secondary Studies
*Some employment options may require additional study.
Penn College: Automotive Restoration Technology, Collision Repair Technology, Collision Repair Technician
Thaddeus Stevens: Collision Repair Technology